Gaṇapati Stotra
From the Nārada Purāṇa
Nārada uvāca –
praņamya sirasā devam gaurīputraṁ vināyakam
bhaktāvāsam smaren nityam ayuḥkāmārthasiddhaye
With head bowed, let him unceasingly worship in his mind the god Vināyaka, the son of Gauri, the refuge of His devotees, for the complete attainment of longevity, amorous desires and wealth.
prathamaṁ vakratundaṁ ca ekadantaṁ dvitiyakam
tṛtīyaṁ kṛṣṇapiṅgākṣaṁ gajavaktṛaṁ caturthakam
Firstly, as the one with the twisted trunk; secondly, as the One with the single tusk; Thirdly, as the one with the fawn-colored eyes; fourthly, as the One with the elephant’s mouth;
lambodaraṁ pañcamaṁ ca ṣaṣṭham vikaṭam eva ca
saptamaṁ vighnarājaṁ ca dhūmravarṇaṁ tathāṣṭamam
Fifthly, as the pot-bellied One; sixthly, as the monstrous One; Seventhly, as the King of obstacles; eighthly, as the smoke-colored One;
navamaṁ bhālacandraṁ ca daśamaṁ tu vināyakam
ekādaśam gaṇapatiṁ dvādaśaṁ tu gajānanam
Ninthly, as the moon-crested One; tenthly, as the remover of obstacles; Eleventhly, as the Lord of the gaṇas; twelfthly, as the One with the elephant’s face.
dvādaśaitäni nāmāni trisandhyaṁ yah paṭhen naraḥ
na ca vighnabhayaṁ tasya sarvasiddhikaraṁ param
Whosoever repeats those twelve names of Vināyaka at dawn, noon, and sunset, For him there is no fear of failure, nay, there is constant good fortune.
vidyārthi labhate vidyāṁ dhanārthi labhate dhanam
putrārthi labhate putrān mokṣārthi labhate gatim
He who desires knowledge obtains knowledge; he who desires wealth obtains wealth; He who desires sons obtains sons; he who desires mokṣa obtains the means.
japed gaṇapatistotraṁ ṣaḍbhir māsaiḥ phalaṁ labhet
saṁvatsareṇa siddhiṇ ca labhate nātra saṁśayaḥ
Whosoever utters the stōtra to Gaṇapati reaches his aim in six months,
And in a year he reaches perfection – of this, there is no doubt.
aṣṭānāṁ brāhmaṇānāṁ ca likhitvā yaḥ samarpayet
tasya vidyā bhavet sadyo Gaṇeśasya prasādataḥ
If one writes this stotra and presents it before eight learned brāhmaṇas, all knowledge and skill would become his, because of the sweet grace of of Śri Gaṇeśa.
Here ends the stotra to Gaṇapati from the sacred Nārada Purāṇa.
translation by E. Bazin-Foucher
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